
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

getting ready

Well, the countdown continues. Almost 3 weeks till lift off. Wow! I can hardly believe it. My sister, brother-in-law and my parents have been working tirelessly to get the apartment ready for our arrival. I am truly humbled at my sister and brother-in-law's selflessness to open their home to us. They, and my parents, are truly my 'Jesus with skin on', during this life transition.
It gets a little overwhelming, thinking about, planning and actually packing up 8 years of life in Florida to move cross country. But I am sustained by the fact that in 3 weeks I'll be living...yes, living in Colorado once again, near my family whom I love and have missed desperately. I'm excited for my small family as we look forward to not only the awesomeness of Colorado (it truly is God's me...I've seen most of the U.S. and Colorado is in the top 5) but the incredible gift of being near family. A and I didn't have the opportunity to grow up near our cousins and it is something we so desperately wanted to give our children. Now, this gift is just around the corner. Summers and Christmases spent with cousins have established a fun and wonderful relationship that we're excited to see grow.
Well, it's back to the boxes. We'll be circling the wagons soon enough and heading West young man...onto new and thrilling adventures!

1 comment:

Patrinas Pencil said...

So glad to hear that you've moved back home. It was so healing for me to see mama Jenna and papa Jan here tonight. I needed that connection. Glad I found you all today. It was a gift from God to connect with your family today.

Blessings to you and yours
patrina <")>><
warrior bride in boots