The holidays were pretty peaceful and low-key. I really enjoyed them and the quite time with my family. I had let go of many of my previous committments prior to the holidays and had settled in the ebb and flow of a great family routine.
New you'd think I could continue on the same track. I'm realizing that "saying yes to everything" is a very hard habit to break. It is not a good sign on Friday night to lay your head down hoping that Sunday night comes as quickly as possible. This should be a great indicator that there are too many "things" scheduled.
I guess I have to be reminded (regularly) of our family's priorities and our best suited schedule. Everyone is different. Some families work best with lots of activity and yet others work best at a slower pace. I'm working on releasing the guilt over not having my kids signed up for every sporting event and activity, for having weekends with absolutely nothing on the schedule from Friday night to Sunday night, for just hanging out at home with the kids making paper mache.
This is a journey, parenting, finetuning not only our approach and disciplining techniques but releasing the guilt of not being the "perfect" parent or compairing ourselves to every other parent in our immediate circle. Conversations with my own parents have led me to realize that it is in fact a life long journey. What's that old saying, "God ain't finished with me yet!" ? Thank you God for never being finished with this wife, mother, daughter, sister & friend.
Counting the days until I see you face to face...
I am always pulling up your blog to look at those precious boys. And, I reread your entries. You are a good writer. You make me laugh. Hope you are all feeling well. Mailed your b'day package on Thursday. Hope it arrives on the day, but it might be a little late.
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