
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Decorating Can be Dangerous

Okay, I admit it...I am a blog voyeaur...I spend far too much time on the internet looking at inspiring art and decorating blogs. One of my all time faves is A Nesting Place. This is such a fun site and today she is hosting a

So here is my simple addition to the long list of beautiful postings:

(notice the paper in the son's Christmas list to Santa..he thinks since Santa comes down the chimney to drop off the presents that is where he should, in fact, pick up the list!)

(close up of my goo-gaw bow...hmmm what else could I possible stick in here!)

(close up of my joy)

Now you might be wondering about the title of the this post...well unfortunately my sassy garland was not put together without drawing blood. Did I slice my finger whilst cutting out all the cute snowflakes? Did I get a paper cut? what danger could possibly lurk while putting up a holiday garland on the mantel of all places? OOOhhh pretty:

Nice black eye...what you might not be able to see is the dent in my forhead (oh and lovely bruise) at the exact location of the red spot/cut. How did this happen? Let me paint a quick portrait:
Excitement over creating the best ever garland for the mantel drives decorating crazed woman to hunt down every available piece of anything that is not nailed down to use in her holiday extravaganza! Believing that three baskets full of ribbon is not nearly enough she reaches on the shelf above her head for the LARGE GLASS container that holds even MORE of her ribbon collection. (you can never have too much ribbon!) Because of her greed and insanity she is not careful enough to notice the container's LARGE GLASS LID that comes sliding off the container and is launching itself at mach speed toward her head like a flying saucer! At impact with her very hard Polish heritage head the LARGE GLASS LID shatters into 4 equal pieces. She is left grabbing her throbbing noggin trying very hard not to use any despicable language...but oh how it HURTS. She decides to look in the mirror to find a large goose egg appearing in the middle of her forhead. For fear that she will have to attend church the next day looking like a character from Star Trek she lies down, ices her head and calls her mom (states away in Colorado) for a good cry. (Mind you the hubby had just taken the boys out so she would have some "quality"decorating time!!! so much for that!) Thank goodness for trendy bangs that are currently all the rage, for she was, in fact, able to cover the goose egg on said forehead the following morning at church. It was not until three days later did she wake up to notice what she thought was a rash under her eye. But, truth betold, she finally realized that it was a lovely shiner.
Boy howdy next time I'm wearing a hard hat.


Amber B. said...

Oh, no! I've always heard that it hurts to be beautiful, but maybe it also hurts to have a beautiful home!! Love that Joy sign. :-)

Lamp Tramp said...

I really love your swag, I want it!
Very beautiful, even you with your hard-earned EGG!
Lamp Tramp

Decor To Adore said...

Oh dear! But I do love your garland. It's so lush and pretty.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I can't believe what you had to go through to decorate! You are a trooper (and very funny)!
Merry Christmas!


Wendy said...

Amazing garland...looks like it was worth the goose egg and shiner!! That's the sign of a die-hard decorator!!

The Style Sisters said...

Oh my gosh you are second person I have read about that has been injured while making their garland for their mantle. It is beautiful...hope your black eye and goose egg heals soon.

The Nester said...

Thanks for taking one for the sake of the garland--and it's anything but simple! It was worth all of the pain!

The Writer Chic said...

Oh you poor garland looks fab, though. Hope you think the shiner was worth it!

Jenna said...

I laughed, I cried; my poor little girl found another "risky" hobby. Great artwork on your mantle. I love it, and I love you.

Papa J

Jessica said...

Seester, I want you to come to my house for Thanksgiving next year so you can decorate my mantle the day after... oh, and I want to see you and your family too!

Jenna said...

Loved the mantel decoration, it so creative and beautiful. You Klutz! You take after your mother. Remember the year the wind blew the glass storm screen door shut on my finger while I was hanging the Christmas wreath on the door. I ended up with a broken finger and eight stitches.
Mama J (your mom)

Anonymous said...

You did create the most AMAZING garland though! LOL! I absolutely LOVE it! Sorry to hear about your goose egg and black eye though!

Thrifty Decor Chick said...

Hope you are feeling OK and I LOVE the JOY on the mirror! Ack! Love it!

Little Oak Table said...

Decorating is painful! I tell my hubby that all the time :).

Did you make that JOY wreath, I'm having a fit over it, it is adorable.

Lola said...

Girl!! That is a crazy story! It makes me enjoy your decorating all the more since I see all that went into it. :)