
Thursday, August 7, 2008

Fun with the cousins...

I have been incredibly lame regarding my blog postings this summer..shame on me! I wanted to share a few pics tonight of a fun evening we had together with the cousins while in Denver. We had spent the day exploring the Natural History Museum and then assembled in the park behind the museum for a picnic dinner. Mama J always has fun props on hand for the making of the most incredible adventures and this evening was full of fun.
She had made capes for all of the kids. Knight capes for the boys and princess capes for the girls. The foam swords, shields and helmets were a huge hit....
Somehow Frankenstein managed to make an appearance...but trusty Lord J defended Princesses G and B with great honor!
Fair Maiden A was distraught with Lord J for being much to fierce with poor Frank. "He only wanted to join in the fun!" So she gave him a lashing and reminded him that tie-dye and camouflage are not a fashion statement.

There was even a rare spotting of "Camera Guy" Pappa J with J and B. It is very difficult to catch this creature without it's knowledge of being photographed. Again, very rare footage.

What a great evening. It still amazes me when I stop and look at each child, to see a bit of my brother or sister in a smile, in the motion of a hand or the sound of a laugh. I have brief recollections of the three of us at 9, 8 and 3 years old....camping, playing on the beach....

Fast forward too many years to admit and I love the feeling of our children, together like we once were; playing, laughing and loving on each other. Dear Lord, please give us the opportunity for many more of these memory building opportunities.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Crap, you made my mascara run all over my face....
Thanks for the great pics and memories!!!