
Sunday, March 16, 2008

and they're off!

wow! My "babies" are growing up at a fierce speed. This past Friday, J rode his bicycle with no training wheels!The thing took him two seconds to get it. Mommy was desperately trying to keep up to speed with his pedaling by running (don't really wasn't pretty) I took about 10 paces and then let go out of sheer necessity. He glanced back to tell me not to let go, I yelled, "keep pedaling!" and that is the end of story. The look of accomplishment on his sweet face...what incredible joy it brings to my heart to see them accomplish something new! He's been off and riding all weekend long. I'm in awe seeing this kid ride his bike up the drive like a professional bmx biker (I see a few future sport addictions forming!)

B was right behind him wanting to try the bike with the training wheels. This evening daddy got the wheels straightened out and B was off...a little tentative at first but then...again, no stopping him!

Earlier this evening they decided to roll around and be silly in the weeds. J made the comment that, "the weeds have they can make everything beautiful!" After dinner we enjoyed some time outside riding bikes and being silly.

Great news! Pappa J is home from the hospital! We love you very much Pappa and are glad you are doing so well. God is good all the time! Here is a picture from J:


Jenna said...

I love the story and photos! It looks like J's drawing is a truck carrying something like a hospital bed (with me in it?). I am through with hospital beds! My bed in my home felt so good last night. God is good!

Hug J and B for me.

Papa J

Jessica said...

G lou here,
I love the storys and photos also! I am so glad B did it! Good job!The boys are so big, and are growing still. Have a nice Easter. LOVE ya,
G lou