
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I "heart" LEGOS

Today I would like to take this opportunity to put in my own two cents on subject near and dear to my heart. TOYS. As a parent, I'm always trying to figure out what is the best toy purchase for my children. So many toys they want are simply flash in the pans, so to speak. They play with them for two minutes and then they find their way into the dark recesses under the beds or in the cracks of the couch. Thomas the Train was a good investment, as were Hotwheels. Endless hours were spent putting together train tracks as well as simply moving trains and cars over any surface both inside and out of the house. These are great creative toys. But I really think the overall, most brilliant, most creative toy of all time is LEGOS.

Some moms out there fear the LEGOS. I've heard it all before, "We can't have LEGOS the baby will eat them!" "We can't have LEGOS because they are too messy!" "We can't have LEGOS the dog will eat them!" "We can't have LEGOS because someone will step on them resulting in injury that may require emergency medical attention!"

May I be as bold as to say, "Your children are really missing out!" These are the only toys I find that can capture my boy's attention for ENORMOUSLY large amounts of time. They can even bridge the age gap. Case in point. We have a friends who have three children, one in fifth grade, one in seventh, and one in high school. We frequently socialize together at their house. They still have a large plastic bin of LEGOS and every time....every time...we are there, all five kids have their hands in the bin building things...from age 5 to 15.
If you don't have LEGOS in your house, I encourage you to go immediately to the store and make a purchase. You will not be sorry. Yes, the baby could in fact ingest some, so be sure to keep them on the table or use only during the baby's naptime. Yes, they can be messy. Don't even try to organize LEGOS. One of the greatest joys is to simply "dig" in and create. (I do however, try to keep a baggie for the minifigures). Yes, you may step on some and have a few choice words...but you will not have to seek professional medical attention...its never that bad.
Please consider making LEGOS your friend. Especially, if you have boys. You will experience endless hours of quiet play (excluding normal boy noises) and they really are an educational toy incognito. The creativity that you will see in your child's building will amaze you, not to mention all the spatial stuff they're doing and small motor skills, blah, blah, blah!
You never might just "heart" LEGOS too!

Friday, May 14, 2010

the brother

So, my recent posts have all been about big brother. But what has little brother been up to? Well, his usual antics.
He is also one crazy, funny kid. Always has a quick response that usually spreads a smile across my face and a giggle in my heart. I do have to be careful about when I laugh. He can be a sensative creature.
Here is a pic of him dressed up to attend his brother's talent show. He insisted that he "dress up" and look nice for the performance. It may have been a response to the importance of big brother's dress or "costume" for the evening and its relevance for the presentation.
This sweater vest he has on, he always asks to put it on to play outside. Each time I have to explain to him that it really wouldn't make the best play clothes. What's the big deal? you might ask, Aren't you being a little uptight about a sweatervest? Reality is, he'll wear it outside and more than likely have it, his underwear and his cowboy boots on....and then he'll find the hose (or a puddle; or a pile of dirt; or a dirty hole) and the vest will quickly be removed and I'll find it stretched over his bicycle seat or hanging from a tree being used as a catapult. These things really don't work for me when trying to keep a few nice pieces of "dress" clothes just that...nice.

He did look adorable...even when he sweat profusely because it was at least 90 degrees that night...sweaty...but adorable!
P.S. the tie really made the whole outfit!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

my funny guy

He did it! J did his first stand up routine. He had a little "deer in the headlights" moment when he got out front to the microphone, but once again, he regained his composure and delivered his funnies. He got quite a laugh when he put on his glasses.
The evening was fun. My heart was so full of pride and love for my boy. Of course in my biased opinion I thought J's act was refreshingly different. (There was a lot of singing and cheer/dancing...Taylor Swift and whoever that 16 year old boy with the big bangs and even bigger teeth is).
A girlfriend of mine was backstage waiting with her daughter. She said when J came backstage after performing he flopped down on his back on the floor and let out a HUGE sigh! I would have loved to have seen that!
I'm secretly hoping that the apple has not fallen far from the tree. Baby did it...and I'm so proud of you! You really can do anything you put your mind to. I love you!