
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Samsula's Got Talent

The list came back and....drumroll please...

J made it!

My little (big) redneck comedian made the cut...

He'll be telling jokes and getting laughs one week from today! Way to go baby!

Friday, April 23, 2010

the audition

I am one proud mama! My oldest had his first audition.

Several weeks ago the notice came home. "Talent Show Auditions" To my surprise J immediately expressed an interest. We discussed some options for his talent; he: "I could play the guitar" me: "you really don't know how to play the guitar" he: "I could dance to the Go Fish cd" me: "well, if you dance you need to have a specific 'routine' that goes with the music" (i.e. throwing yourself all over the livingroom to the beat of the music does not always interpret into large audience entertainment. Yes, your mother thinks it's wonderful, but it pretty much stops there!)
Finally we decided he might try his hand at delivering some jokes. It took some time to convince him that he needed to do some research and try jokes that had been prewritten as opposed to coming up with them on the fly. Last night we chose what to wear ( he wanted black shirt, pants and cape. I tried to lean him toward something with color. End result: red shirt, dark pants, camo jacket, cowboy hat and fake coke bottle glasses; you know this boy loves to 'dress the part'), we rehearsed the entrance and delivery of jokes and I handed down a few select pointers. This morning I heard his voice loud and chipper, "Mom! I'm excited!" Me, "About what?" "About my audition!"
When the time finally came he was calm as a cucumber. He surprised me with his confidence and the ability to face his nervousness and gain composure. He never waivered. He stood with confidence and delivered his three jokes. We won't know until Monday whether or not he made the cut. What an experience to watch him bloom and grow. He has no fear. He believes completely in himself and his abilities. It is overwhelmingly...beautiful to behold.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

school is for learning

On our way to school this morning I heard B saying from the back seat, "Hey, look what I can do! Look what I can do!" A peek in the rear view mirror showed him licking his armpit!

"J, look what I can do!" he repeated emphatically, until his brother broke his attention away from the DS he was pictochatting on..."look! I can lick my armpit!"

"So, B, where did you learn to do that?" I inquired. "Oh, G, (kid in his class) showed me how" he replied.

"Really? (no surprise on my part!) And what does your armpit taste like?"


'nough said...peace out!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

something new

I finally succumbed to the guilt that I had an "ugly" or rather "boring" looking blog. (Not that the pictures of my adorable children aren't enough to make everything exciting and new...) Rather, as I look around "blogland" everyone seems to have snappy backgrounds and clever links. I never seem to have time to "groom" my blog so I tried to do something about it this evening.

So what do you think? I have a hard time gaging the "readability" as I sit here at 10:00 p.m. in my pj's after taking my contacts out and am trying to read it with my coke-bottle glasses sliding down my nose! My eyes are blurry and dry and ebbing in and out of focus. Is the text too hard to read? I would not want to suffer anyone to find discomfort in reading my blog for the sake of do tell...should it stay or go?